Physiological Elements : Pitta

Pitta dosha governs all transformations in the physiology, from the digestion of food to the metabolizing of feelings, emotions and sensory perceptions. Pita consist of fire (Agni Mahabhuta).

The five subdoshas of Pitta:

Alochaka Pitta functions in the eye region and governs vision.

Bhrajaka Pitta is located in the skin and regulates the biochemical processes that occur in the skin. Complexion and skin glow are regulated by Bhrajaka Pitta.

Sadhaka Pitta resides in the heart and the brain. Emotional balance, contentment, intelligence and memory are examples of functions governed by Sadhaka Pitta.

Pachaka Pitta is located in the duodenum and small intestine. Transformation of food into nutrients and wastes through the process of digestion is governed by Pachaka Pitta.

Ranjaka Pitta resides in the liver and the spleen and is responsible for blood composition, liver functions and the distribution of nutrients to cells and tissues through the blood.